Thursday, September 16, 2010

No More NOLA for The Real World

Last night was the season finale of The Real World: New Orleans (tear). We know that I was a huge fan of this season, however, the whole drama kind of disintegrated once Ryan chose to leave the show. Scratch that, he didn’t even choose to leave, he was asked to leave. As much as I hated him, he was great television.

This episode failed to draw tears on my behalf which is unusual for a Real World season finale. While they were all busy bawling their eyes out, yapping about how much NOLA has changed them, and downing their last Hurricanes, I was wondering why I wasn’t feeling sappy myself. I guess I liked them so much and truly believe they will be friends after this experience. I’ve been to New Orleans before to do an alternative break through my school and it really did have a huge impact on me. I feel that.

Jaw-dropping moment of the night was Knight! His transformation over the season is unbelievable…I mean that in the literal sense of the word. Like, how did he drop 30 lbs., get blond hair, and tan? I mean, I know how he did it but it’s crazy to watch and see it happen before your very eyes. As my friend said at the end of the show, “Knight’s a stud”.

As “nice” as the whole cast was in this final episode, it didn’t do much for me in my mind-numbing state while watching the tube.

Episode Grade: C

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