Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How Do I Spend My Thursday Nights?

Another night of classic television from the fellas over at NBC. 

While I was watching community, I noticed in one scene that Abed was talking to some pregnant girl in the background and was really confused. My sister pointed out a YouTube video to me, courtesy of Huffington Post, that explains Abed’s secret storyline.
The rest of the episode was full of wet t-shirt mud-wrestling and talk of faith. But I thought that Abed part was very clever, NBC.
Episode Grade: B-

30 Rock
I had to watch this episode twice because the first time I watched it, I was surrounded by my chatty Kathy friends- Fasy included –and had difficulty hearing anything. Basically, Jack Donaghy is challenged by a Congress woman played by Queen Latifah who alleges that NBC has a lack of diversity. Because of this, Liz Lemon must share her head-writer duties with Toofer. She is more than happy with this sharing of responsibilities until Toofer gets all the credit. Meanwhile, Jenna takes it upon herself to make sure Kenneth earns his spot in the NBC Page Program. In the process, she finds herself turning into the ultimate stage-mom: her own mother. This episode was particularly politically incorrect, but I guess that was necessary in order to get the point of their lack of diversity across.
Episode Grade: B

The Office
Andy Bernard is performing in a local rendition of Sweeney Todd so of COURSE the whole office attends his performance. Funny thing is, Andy is actually amazing in the play. Well, I guess that’s not funny rather it’s predictable considering he is an esteemed member of Here Comes Treble, the a cappella group from Cornell. With the help of his colleagues (namely Meredith), Michael takes a bottle of wine to the face and laments over his not being chosen for the lead role. How could they not choose him after he performed an ENTIRE episode of Law & Order for them!? What’s really sad is that Andy still likes Erin even though she is committed to Gabe. I just want the two oddballs to reunite.
Episode Grade: A-

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